Justice Aaron Ringera Finally Resigns

After taking Kenya in endless circles of debate, embattled KACC director has finally resigned. Kenya Parliament has earlier on in the month censured him by revoking a Kenya Gazette notice by President Mwai Kibaki reappointing him for another five year term.

In parliament eyes, Ringera was never reappointed, that is, his tenure at KACC ended when his earlier term ended. The resignation is just to save face and borrow dignity for a while.

There are already unconfirmed reports that he will get a soft landing as a judge of the highest court in Kenya, the Court of Appeal. Some parliamentarians have vowed to make sure he does not get the judge job since he is already a retired judge.

His resignation gives more power to parliament over the excesses of the executive and the President will be more keen next time to follow due process when making executive appointments.

It is interesting that to many Kenyans, Ringera's tenure at KACC exemplifies impunity in way of protecting the big 'fish' who are corrupt embodied in such corruption scandals as the Goldenberg and Anglo-leasing amidst numerous multi-billion scams. Most of these scams have renowned parliamentarians as the architects and beneficiaries. The same parliamentarians that showed Ringera the exit door.

Ringera reared and protected pythons that have finally come to haunt and strangle him. If he had zealously guarded Kenya's wealth from these scams and pursued them corrupt MPs and politicians' sidekicks with all his might, exposing them, freezing their corrupt assets, instituting private prosecutions where the attorney general refuses to prosecute, maybe things will be different.

Ringera walks out of KACC a tainted man in the public eyes of Kenya. If he was a man of integrity and good community standing before, he has lost it in a matter of weeks. If he is getting a soft landing as a court of appeal judge, his illustrious career will be crucified in a muddy cross.

All in all, there are no sympathies, it is good riddance for Ringera. Hopefully the 2.5 million Kenya Shillings will go to a Kenyan man or woman of integrity and zeal to better our motherland. Just pray it is not Dr Smokin Wanjala or Fatuma Sichale, for they will prolong Ringera's tenure and legacy at KACC.

Next on line is none other than the ever smiling Amos Wako, the Attorney General that Kenya will greatly and gladly do without.

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3 Responses to Justice Aaron Ringera Finally Resigns

concernedkenyan said...

Does it mean that he has been paid the 150M Shilings? The amount he was to be paid if his contract was terminated prematurely

Anonymous said...

Good riddance!

Anon said...

I am liking this parliament, on a roll!!!