Unlock Police Reforms Quagmire - NCCK Press Statement

Unlock Police Reforms Quagmire
The National Council of Churches of Kenya met for two days between 2nd-4th July 2012, at Jumuia Conference and Country Home, Limuru, to reflect the progress made so far with regard to the Police Reforms. 

We were guided in our reflections by the words recorded in 1 Peter 2: 13 – 15 “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.”
We recognize that for the Kenya Police Service to adequately and efficiently serve Kenyans, a facilitative framework must be provided to them. For this reason, it is of great importance that Kenyans support the Police Reforms for the betterment of our nation.
At the outset, we express our sorrow and pass condolences to the families of all police officers who have died in the line of duty. We especially condole all Kenyans who lost their loved ones during the terrorist attacks at churches in Garissa last Sunday, including two police officers. May God grant you peace beyond measure in your grief.
Progress In Police Reforms
We commend the passage of the National Police Service Act 2011, the National Police Service Commission Act 2011, the Independent Policing Oversight Authority Act 2011, and subsequent appointment of the members of the Oversight Board.
We are however concerned that the delay in the appointment of the members of the National Police Service Commission, the Inspector General and the two Deputies has blocked further implementation of the reforms.
We recognize that the challenges within the Police Services cannot be resolved by institutional, legislative and policy reforms alone. More needs to be done to improve service delivery as well as the welfare of the Police Officers themselves.
Our Recommendations
It is important that the National Police Service adopts the highest standards of professionalism, improves public trust and confidence, embraces ethical values, and is facilitated to do its work. We therefore make the following recommendations:
Recommendations to the Government
1. That the Coalition government urgently appoints a substantive Minister and Assistant Minister for Internal Security and Provincial Administration in view of the security risks facing the country.
2. That the government urgently recruits 30,000 additional Police Officers to improve service delivery.
3. That the coalition government and parliament unlock the deadlock surrounding the appointment of the members of the National Police Service Commission.
4. That the appointment of the Inspector General and his two deputies and the Director for the Criminal Investigations Department be fast tracked.
5. That the government increases budgetary allocation to the National Police Service to facilitate acquisition of appropriate operational equipment, motor vehicles and to finance routine services at the Police Stations around the country.
6. That the government improves transparency and accountability in utilization of resources allocated to the National Police Service.
7. That the government channels resources directly to the Police Stations where they are most needed.
8. That the government develops operational plans to implement the Disaster and Conflict Management Policies.
9. That the Government implements the final phase of the salary increase and improve the housing for Police Officers.
Recommendations to the police officers
1. That all Police Officers embrace Reforms as a way of improving service delivery and regaining public trust.
2. That all Police Officers embrace Community Policing and work with the public as partners in peace and security issues.
3. That the National Police Service develop a common strategy to cope with the ever increasing security challenges, moreso as we face the next general elections.
4. That security agencies develop a joint strategy to deal with the security challenges posed by the terror attacks directed at Kenyans.
Recommendations to Kenyans
1. That all Kenyans support the Police Reform process.
2. That all Kenyans engage in community policing in cooperation with the Police
3. That all Kenyans embrace values that will enhance security and peace at the community level.
Our Commitment
Recognizing the importance of a trusted and effective police service in Kenya, the Church commits to:
1. Cooperate with the police in enhancing security in our neighborhoods.
2. Partner with police stations near our churches in the spirit of community policing.
3. Lobby the government and other relevant stakeholders to ensure that police reforms are realized.
We pray that the Police officers will deliver quality services to Kenyans and that they will be facilitated with
sufficient resources. We urge that the government and all Kenyans will support and cooperate with the police
in their work.
We pray that God will protect all police officers as they work to ensure the safety of all Kenyans.

Signed on this 4th day of July 2012 at Jumuia Conference and Country Home, Limuru.
Oliver Kisaka
Deputy General Secretary

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