Guilty you are until proven rich...
Munyankei orders if found to be a snitch..
Omerta keep to the code of silence...
Loot and pillage give them violence...
Money the means and power the ends...
Extreme measures taking necessary bends...
The masses duped into quick sand...
Widows and orphans now roam the land...
Taken hostage by obese gluttonous swine...
Left with genocidal trauma haunting minds...
While they smile taking laps in their pools...
My babies have no books in their schools...
Sited back left curtains drawn building castles...
Through the sweat of the mwananchi who hustles...
Shepherds leading their lambs to slaughter...
An illusion is your pride in being a voter...
Of no consequence is that plastic ballot...
A mule you are with a dangled carrot...
Douglas Juma
Posted on
22 May, 2012

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