Republic of Kenya
Ministry of Finance
Important Notice
The National Budget for Financial Year 2012/2013
As mandated by the Constitution, the Cabinet Secretary responsible for Finance is required to submit to the National Assembly Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure of the National Government for the next Financial Year to be tabled in the National Assembly.
Towards this end, the Ministry of Finance has started the process of the preparation of the National Budget for the Financial Year 2012/2013.
The Ministry of Finance considers this period as important for consulting various stakeholders on key fiscal policy issues. In this regard, we wish to express our appreciation for the valuable contributions made by stakeholders ¡n the previous Budgets that continue to drive and sustain our economy.
In addition to public submissions and consultations on sector spending plans for MTEF Budget for 2012/13 -2014/15 held last week, we hereby invite the general public, Institutions in the Public and Private Sectors, Non-Governmental Organizations and Development Partners to submit proposals on economic policy measures that the Minister for Finance could consider for implementation during the 2012 Budget.
It is anticipated that your submissions will take into account measures that will enable the Government achieve faster economic growth and development in order to create wealth, employment opportunities and reduce poverty.
In particular, we suggest that your submissions should include:
a) Further measures required to achieve the objectives of the Vision 2030;
b) Additional measures to facilitate and fast track the implementation of a fully fledged EAC
Customs Union, the EAC Common Market and EAC Monetary Union;
c) Measures to deepen and broaden the tax base and simplify the tax system in order to ensure
revenue productivity, tax efficiency and fair tax burden; and
d) Any other measures that, in your opinion, needs to be considered in order deepen private sector development and provide additional impetus to economic growth and development during the Financial Year 2012/13 and beyond.
The submissions should be specific, supported with a brief statement of the issue to be addressed and the rationale for the proposals.
In order to facilitate timely consultations and adequate consideration, your proposals should be forwarded in writing to the undersigned through e-mail (budget2012 so as to be received not later than Friday 2nd March, 2012.
The National Budget for Financial Year 2012/2013 Request for Proposals on Economic Policy Measures
Posted on
07 February, 2012

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