1.1 The Kenya National Examinations Council wishes to inform parents/guardians, candidates,
stakeholders and the general public that the 2011 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
(KCSE) examination results will be released on Wednesday 29th February 2012.
The ceremony will be officiated by Hon. Amb. Prof. Sam K. Ongeri, Minister for Education, at Mitihani House, off Denis Pritt Road, opposite St. Georges Secondary School starting from 9.00 am.
1.2 All Provincial Directors of Education (PDEs) are requested to be present during the ceremony and to pick results for their counties and districts for distribution to schools by respective District Education Officers. Invitation to relevant stakeholders has been sent through separate communication.
1.3 Candidates are advised to collect their results from the respective centres where they registered for the examination. The examination results will be available on the KNEC website: www.knec.ac.ke and can also be received by sending the candidate’s index number through a short text message (sms) to 5052 immediately after the release by the Minister for Education.
Please note that subscribers are advised to send one SMS and wait for the results before sending another one to avoid jamming the system.
1.4 Upon receipt of their results, the parents/guardians and candidates are advised to thoroughly scrutinize them for correctness.
In particular, they must ensure the accuracy of the following:-
1.4.1 candidates’ particulars i.e. names, index number and gender;
1.4.2 school names and codes;
1.4.3 individual subject grades and mean score.
1.5 Any discrepancy MUST be communicated to the Council within one month (30 days) after the release of examination results. This includes appeals for remarking. The Council will not accept any queries on the 2011 KCSE examination results after 31st March 2012.
1.6 All heads of schools have been provided with the following information about the results: W - Pended/Withheld, X-Absentees, Y- Irregularities and Z-Missing groups.
1.7 Candidates who have their results withheld will receive a letter through their head teacher
explaining why the results have been withheld until they submit the required documents e.g.
previous KCPE examination details for their results to be released.
Such candidates must submit the documents through their respective schools and NOT directly to the Council, by 31st March 2012 failure to which it will be deemed that the candidates do not have the required document(s) and their results will subsequently be cancelled.
1.8 Candidates who were involved in any form of examination irregularity have had their results
cancelled and they have been advised so in writing through their respective school principals
before release of the results.
Please note that the Council will post all cases of cancelled results on the KNEC website upon release of the results and the affected candidates are advised to check.
1.9 It has been noted that in the past principals have not informed parents and candidates whose results have been cancelled and this has caused them to travel all the way to the Council for information.
1.10 The Council will issue result slips for the KCSE candidates. All candidates must note that a result slip is not a certificate. The Kenya National Examinations Council reserves the right to correct the information given on result slips which will be confirmed by the issue of certificates.
1.11 The Council does not re-mark cancelled results.
Release of the 2011 KCSE Examination Results
Posted on
26 February, 2012

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KCSE Results
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